Saturday, October 28, 2006

Passport, LLC Takes a Giant Leap Forward

Passport, LLC, a direct sales company based in Charlottesville, Virginia, has announced it plans to merge its Independent Associates into Oasis LifeSciences. Passport currently serves distributors and customers in all 50 states and U.S. territories with its nutritional, skin care and personal care product lines.

According to Passport's CEO Bo Short, "Over the past few months Passport's corporate leadership has been discussing, among others, ways to enhance distributor income and expand internationally. As well, we have been reviewing various cutting-edge nutritional products that could be offered to our associates and their customers. Oasis LifeSciences allows us access to a company with those products, a similar, but much more lucrative compensation plan, international expansion and corporate leadership that have no equal in this industry. Being that our allegiance is to the families associated with Passport, LLC we know that this opportunity represents and enormous leap forward for each one of them and we are proud to make that leap together."

Oasis LifeSciences is the delivery vehicle for companies owned by Bill Lee. Among his holdings are Aloecorp -- the world's leader in the production of Aloe vera and Unigen Pharmaceuticals. His companies have more combined research space, more scientists, more published studies, patents and publications than any other natural products company in the world.

Oasis LifeSciences Chairman was formerly the CEO and President of Avon. Through his leadership Avon grew from $400 million dollars to become the largest direct sales company in the world. In addition, their CEO was the President/CEO of Nature's Way as well as the former Sr. V.P. of McKesson Drug Company. The Vice Chairman of their Field Leadership Council is Marshall Douglas. Working with the Passport's executive team Mr. Douglas will oversee the integration of Passport Independent Associates under the Oasis LifeSciences umbrella.

"Both Passport and Oasis LifeSciences were founded on the premise that people want an honest opportunity on which they can reach their financial goals," Marshall stated. He added, "I am honored to work alongside people that share our values and look forward to a rewarding future for each of Passport's Independent Associates as they partner with Oasis LifeSciences."

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Passport LLC - What Sets Us Apart

Every Tuesday night, you can dial into the Passport LLC free conference center and hear the business overview presentation we call "What Sets Us Apart".

All meetings begin at 9:00 pm eastern and can be accessed by calling,
(641) 478-5008 pincode 491560 followed by #.

Also -
Each Wednesday night, Passport LLC presents "What Sets Us Apart" in Spanish. These meetings are also held at 9:00 pm eastern and can be joined at the same phone number and pincode.

If you are considering a business you can operate from home. If you seek an opportunity that is simple to understand and explain, honest in terms of value to you, and represents a fair method of business - you may want to check us out for yourself.

All home businesses may be created equal but not all stay that way. Come hear the Passport difference for yourself.

Cliff Stockamp - Passport LLC Guest Speaker (Repost)

Not for the faint of heart. This speaker hits you where you live in his speech titled, "Leave it on the floor or leave it to chance". Mr Cliff Stockamp, founder and President of Total Success Institute shares his views of what is required to achieve true and lasting success, not just in your business but in all facets of your life.

Cliff is a success coach and approaches his training with a "no compromise, no excuses" perspective. His is a unique approach that is quite different from the "cheerleader" model found in many programs on personal development.

This is Number 4 in our Guest Speaker Series at Passport, LLC. We are pleased to share Cliff Stockamp with you now and appreciate his taking time from his schedule to share his views.

Cliff Stockamp
June 9, 2005

Posted on June 10, 2005

Bo Short - Leadership Training - April 28, 2005 (Repost)

Your Chance To Win.
Passport CEO, Bo Short, outlines eight steps that will give you your chance to win. These steps have universal application to any pursuit you may wish to undertake. Whether in your Passport business, your career in another industry, and your personal life, these concepts can help you be more productive, more effective, and will help you to reap greater benefits from your efforts.

Bo Short - Leadership Training
April 28, 2005

Original post date April 28, 2005

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Passport LLC - This Week's Meetings

What Sets Us Apart
Business Overview
(We have a special guest for this meeting. Passport LLC CEO and Founder, Bo Short, will conduct this session.)

What Sets Us Apart - Spanish
Business Overview

John Di Lemme
Guest Speaker

All meeting times are 9:00pm Eastern. You can join these calls by dialing,
(641) 478-5008 pincode 491560 followed by #. Here's the rest of the November conference call schedule.

Book List Added

We have added more new content to the front page here at Passport U. If you look down the sidebar at the right, you will now find a list of previous Book Recommendations we have suggested.

In the very near future, we will be updating the list and presenting new books that may assist you in expanding your enterprise.

Jeffery Combs - Passport LLC Guest Speaker (Repost)

Jeffery Combs was our guest speaker last night, May 12, 2005, and let me tell you - he overloaded us with his perspective and information. This audio, though only about 30 minutes, is packed. As we were prepping the audio in the editing room, one word kept coming to mind - "BOFFO!"
I know it's not really a word but it sums it up best for me.

Jeff Combs really pours it on during this call and many callers that heard this live have said how much they enjoyed it and found great value in the things he discussed.

This was our third guest speaker in the series of guests presented by Passport LLC. It seems that each session improves and yet I sense that we are beginning to create a mosiac of insight and thoughful perspectives from veterans of the industry.

Thank you Jeff for taking time to share with us and we look forward to when our paths may cross next.

Jeffery Combs
May 12, 2005

This audio was recorded earlier this year and was originally post on May 13, 2005.

Bo Short - Leadership Training - March 31, 2005 (Repost)

Measure Up. That was the message from Bo's Grandmother, G.G., throughout his childhood. Bo now shares that message with us. Strive to be better. Achieve your greatness. Do it now. Don't wait. There are only so many tomorrows and none of us knows when they'll be gone. Create your legacy today. Measure Up!

Bo Short - Leadership Training
March 31, 2005

This audio was recorded on March 31, 2005 and originally posted on April 3, 2005.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

November Meeting Dates - Passport LLC

Here is the schedule of free conference calls for the month of November.
All calls are conducted at 9:00pm eastern and can be joined by calling:
(641) 478-5008
pin 491560 followed by #.

What Sets Us Apart
Business Overview

Spanish - What Sets Us Apart NEW
Business Overview

P.B.T. ( Passport Business Training )

What Sets Us Apart
Business Overview

Spanish - What Sets Us Apart NEW
Business Overview

John Di Lemme
Guest Speaker

What Sets Us Apart
Business Overview

Spanish - What Sets Us Apart NEW
Business Overview

Leadership Development
Passport CEO, Bo Short

Todd Falcone - Passport LLC Guest Speaker (Repost)

Todd Falcone blazes through several key concepts involved in Network Marketing. Though only available for a short time, Todd covers a lot of ground and details into his approach about building a business and client base. Todd Falcone is a veteran of the industry and has built several dynamic businesses. This audio is a little over 36 minutes long and you may need to listen to it a few times to capture the details. As I was listening to this call live, I made a couple pages of notes. So, get your pen and paper ready while you listen to this audio.

Many thanks to Todd Falcone for taking time out of his schedule to speak at Passport LLC.

This audio was first posted on April 12, 2005.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Bo Short - Leadership Training - Feb 24, 2005 (Repost)

Bo Short, CEO of Passport, LLC offers his thoughts on leadership and the importance of striving to be your best, vigorous pursuit of your goals, and helping others achieve theirs through principle centered leadership.

Bo Short - Leadership Training
February 24, 2005

We posted this audio previously on April 2, 2005.

Leads - Important business tool (repost)

Using leads to build your business can be an invaluable tool. When your "warm market" contacts have been explored, we all need to find and develop new potential business partners and clients. There are many approaches you can take and one is the use of leads. Whether you purchase leads from a broker or develop your own through some form of capture mechanisms, any further discussion requires that one have a good grasp of the defining terms and conditions. Passport LLC recently hosted Jeanne Alexander of Responsive Data LLC, a lead company, to discuss some of the basic concepts about leads and the leads marketing process.

Here is an audio from the meeting.

Jeanne Alexander - July 14, 2005

This entry first appeared on July 24, 2005.

Utilizing the internet to market your business (repost)

As promised, here is the audio from our training call on May 19, 2005 about "Utilizing The Internet". This is a general discussion covering ideas you can use to create exposure for your business and tips about using some of the technology available to your advantage.
In the future, we will break down our discussion into more specific components of internet marketing techniques and tools.

Utilizing The Internet
May 19, 2005

This audio was originally posted on May 20, 2005.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

John Di Lemme to speak at Passport LLC

Join us on November 10th at 9:00pm eastern time (don't forget the time change this weekend) when Passport LLC will host John Di Lemme. You can join the call by dialing (641) 478-5008 pincode 491560 #.

Here's some info about Mr. Di Lemme at A Different Kind Of Biz.
After conquering his fears, John personally built direct sales organizations consisting of more than 25,000 people in over 10 countries and achieved all of his personal goals that he had set at that time. As a result of these experiences, John discovered that his personal passion in life is helping others to believe in themselves and achieve their goals and dreams. Now, John shares all that he has learned as a result of the hardships, challenges, and successes that he has personally experienced.

Michael Oliver - Passport LLC Guest Speaker (Repost)

Michael Oliver, author of "How to sell Network Marketing without fear, anxiety, or losing your friends", spoke to Passport Independent Associates on March 10, 2005. During this discussion, Michael discusses the foundation of his concept known as "Natural Selling™" and how 'interruption marketing' in ineffective and rarely garners meaningful results.

Thank you Michael Oliver for sharing your approach and your time. We look forward to the next chance we have to talk again.

Guest Speaker, Michael Oliver
March 10, 2005

This audio was originally presented on April 2, 2005.

Salon Retailing (Repost)

Theresa McManus discusses her tips and techniques she has used successfully to build her retail business by marketing to Hair and Nail Salons. Overall, solid information that is easily intergrated into your retail business whether you plan to market to salons or not.

Salon Retailing
March 24, 2005

This audio was originally posted on March 24, 2005.

Getting Started (Repost)

This is a general overview of some basic items associates may want to consider when starting your business. This features Theresa McManus, Ty Tribble, and Dave Stone.

Getting Started
March 3, 2005

This audio is reposted from a March 2005 entry.

Friday, September 30, 2005


The October Meetings have been posted in the back office for all Passport Independent Associates as well as A Different Kind Of Biz.

Ty Tribble has updated the Message From Corporate section and has announced another feature that further expands the training and resources available for all Associates.

The audio from last night's Leadership Development conference call will be completed soon and posted here at Passport U.

UPDATE: Bo Short's Leadership Development audio is now available HERE.

We will have some additional news to share in the next few days. Stay tuned.
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